Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Post-Pascha Ponderings

It’s already the evening of the Tuesday of Bright Week; and, except for monastic houses, most parishes have concluded all services until Vespers (Saturday) of St. Thomas Sunday. How are you feeling spiritually and emotionally?

The liturgical services of Passion Week (Страстная Неделья) and Easter (Пасха) are the most significant in the Eastern Orthodox calendar, and the spiritual experiences of participants typically run a wide gamut.

The clergy and faithful who participated in all or, at least, in the majority of the Holy Week and paschal services are likely recovering from the demands of the stamina and resilience necessary to be present for numerous hours in church. Each year at the conclusion of the Great Fast (Lent) and Pascha (Easter), we are tempted to “relax” and potentially lose the spiritual graces obtained during the Lenten season. Some of us, namely members of the “C&E Club”*, are relieved Easter is over and are on “vacation” from church until Christmas.

It is important to guard ourselves against the spiritual danger after Easter by returning right back to business as usual. This is one of the greatest temptations. We’re on to the next thing before we’ve really fully experienced what just happened! It’s like Thanksgiving dinner. Three hours to prepare, then 30 minutes to eat and that’s it! It’s over. When’s the game on?!!

Here are a few better options.. Spend time each day (even a few minutes) reflecting on how your life has changed because of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Find a quiet place to be thankful for all God did this past weekend—for the things you could see and understand, and for the grace-filled mysteries in your life that have yet to be revealed.

Passion Week and Pascha demonstrate God’s abundant and unconditional love for us. My hope and prayer is that you were spiritually inspired by liturgical participation in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior and are committed to remain steadfast in faith as we prepare for spiritual renewal by the grace of the Holy Spirit poured out on Pentecost.

*Persons who relegate church attendance solely to Christmas and Easter.

from WordPress http://ift.tt/1ZazPmZ

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