Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The Rev. Frank Schaefer was jubilant yesterday, discussing what’s been dubbed his “refrocking” in the United Methodist Church (UMC), calling it a “huge” decision for LGBT rights.

The UMC’s Judicial Council ruled this week that he would continue to be an ordained minister in the church, overruling a Pennsylvania church jury that had defrocked him in 2013 after he’d both officiated over his son’s same-sex wedding several years earlier and refused to promise that he would not perform same-sex marriages in the future.

“It was a very technical argument, and some argue that I got off on a technicality,” he said about the decision, which didn’t change church doctrine opposed to gay marriage. The church’s high court rather overruled the jury decision, it stated, because the penalty was wrongfully handed down for a violation not yet committed. Schaefer had been given a 30-day suspension for officiating over his son’s wedding, but the Judicial Council said he could not be penalized further, with defrocking, for the possibility of a future violation.

However technical the decision, Shaefer believes it was a big step forward. “Yesterday’s decision, I felt like, wow, now I got my day in court,” he said in an interview with me. “Justice was recognized and done in an LGBTQ case and it’s huge. To me, it’s a very, very huge decision.”

Schaefer, who was transferred from his conservative congregation in Eastern Pennsylvania to one in California in July, said he will not back down on speaking out for equality for LGBT people in the church, including marriage equality.

“One of the things I vowed during this whole period was that I will never be silent again,” he said. “I will continue to be a voice and one of the things we encourage all pastors to do is declare that they will be willing to perform a same-sex marriage if they are asked to do that. We call that the ‘open altar’ action. And so, we are working toward all kinds of strategies, and plan all kinds of strategies for our General Conference in 2016…I am hoping and praying that something will change at that conference, because if it doesn’t I fear that a schism might be a real possibility.”

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Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Gospel of Revised Common Lectionary

When the Pharisees heard how Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they came together. One of them, a teacher of the Law, tried to test him with this question, «Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the Law?». Jesus answered, «‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind’. This is the first and the most important of the commandments. But after this there is another one very similar to it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. The whole Law and the Prophets are founded on these two commandments» (Matthew 22:34-40).

What do we understand from Jesus’ answer recorded in today’s gospel passage? I think it is imperative to initially examine each of the three indispensable messages independently.

The first one “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,” seems to be rather self explanatory. We are commanded to love God above all else. It does not mean that we come to church on Sunday and say we love the Lord, and then the rest of the week we live as if we do not even know who God is. It does not mean that we wait until we are in trouble or sick or have a life altering problem to be in relationship with God. To love the Lord with all one’s heart, with all of one’s soul and with all of one’s mind means that there is no part of our life that is segregated from or more important than our love of God.

The second one that Jesus gave us is the commandment that either causes the greatest struggle or is simply ignored. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This commandment is similar to a restatement of the Golden Rule restated: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” On the surface, loving one’s neighbor as oneself would seem an easy thing to do. If we want to be treated good, then we treat others good. If we want to be treated with respect, then we treat others respectfully. If we want to be treated with kindness, then we treat others kindly. Although similar, the essence of this commandment differs somewhat from the Golden Rule. Whereas the Golden Rule speaks of general respect for oneself and others, this commandment speaks specifically of love. It speaks of loving other people in the same way that a person loves oneself. This is very difficult because many people cannot truly love someone else because we do not love ourselves. So unless one loves God above all else and one loves oneself, it is impossible to live according to these two essential commandments.

And the third and final indispensable teaching in this gospel passage is “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” The succinct summation of our entire faith rests on loving God with everything we are and have and loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. These words of Jesus make it impossible for me to understand and reconcile how a disciple of Christ can justify judging and excluding any person or group of people from the Church or how anyone can consider any person or group of people inferior to another. Such actions and view points fail to embody the love of God and neighbor Jesus commands in today’s holy gospel, for if a person truly loves one’s neighbor, then the person loves indiscriminate of gender, race, socio-economic status, intelligence, sexual orientation, or any other identity criteria. If one professes to love God and self, then one is commanded by the scriptures to love every person without condition or qualification, just as much as one loves oneself. It is for this reason that the Church must cease being mired in irrelevant dogmatic canons and antiquated moral codes and affirm these two commandments as the foundation of faith.

Jesus affirmed love in action by washing the disciples’ feet and in word by giving us a new commandment to love each other as God unconditionally loves us. Jesus did not die so we can be judgmental and exclusionary towards each other; rather, Jesus gave His life out of unconditional love for us. Jesus gave us these commandments for a reason. In hopes that by following these commandments, “`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” we would be able to be children worthy of His ultimate sacrifice.

“We must cultivate that sacred silence which makes people remember the words of Jesus: ‘See how they love one another.’ How often we find ourselves speaking of the faults of another. How often our conversation is about someone who is not present. Yet see the compassion of Christ toward Judas, the man who received so much love yet betrayed his own master. But the master kept the sacred silence and did not betray Judas. Jesus could have easily spoken in public—as we often do—telling the hidden intentions and deeds of Judas to others. But he didn’t. Instead, he showed mercy and charity. Rather than condemning Judas, he called him his friend.”

— Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Thirsting For God, p. 41

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Monday, October 20, 2014

The Touch of God

“Many people think they don’t need to walk into a Church to encounter God, but you can only (truly) touch God in the Church. God could have called down from Heaven and forgiven all sins and welcomed humanity back into Paradise, but God chose instead to take on flesh and touch humanity. There are many ways to call out to God, but only one way to touch God. When the Precious Body and Blood of Christ touches your lips, your sins are forgiven and you are healed, because the touch of God heals and you live forever.”

Authored by Fr. Athanasios Haros / Edited for inclusive language by Fr. Vladimir

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Icon of the Mother of God “O All-Hymned Mother”

Commemorated on October 6/19

The Icon “O All-Hymned Mother” derives its title from the thirteenth Kontakion of the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. “O All-Hymned Mother who bore the Word, holiest of all the saints….”

The Mother of God wears a crown, and clasps Her child to Her breast with both hands. Christ is held in Her left arm, and rests on Her left shoulder. He is facing Her, and both of His hands are placed below Her neck.

Instead of the usual stars on Her head and shoulders, the faces of angels appear in three circles. This is similar to the Arabian Icon and the “Stone of the Mountain not cut by Hands” Icon on the iconostasis of the cathedral of the Transfiguration at Solovki.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jesus: The Lamb of God

“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth” – Isaiah 53:7.

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Monday, October 6, 2014

“Hawaiian” Myrrh-streaming Iveron Ikon of the Theotokos

Commemorated on September 23

The Miracleworking Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Theotokos appeared inexplicably giving myrrh in the home of a pious Orthodox Christian couple on September 23 / October 6, 2007, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Since it’s manifestation, it has been recognized by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia as miraculous and genuine. This icon is well known to have cured many pious individuals of cancer, blindness, kidney and liver diseases, chronic pain, and demonic possession. It currently resides at the Russian Orthodox Church in Honolulu, but frequently travels throughout the world bringing forth healings and cures to all who have shown faith and love to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most holy Mother.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wisdom of the Saints

“You change your life by changing your heart.” — St. Benedict of Nursia

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Thursday, October 2, 2014

St Theodore the Prince of Smolensk and Yaroslav

Commemorated on September 19/October 2

The holy right-believing Prince Theodore of Smolensk and Yaroslavl, nicknamed the “Black” [i.e. “dark” or “swarthy”], was born at a terrible time for Rus: the Mongol invasion of 1237-1239. At Baptism he was named for the holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates (February 8), who was particularly esteemed by the Russian warrior-princes.

St Theodore 2 Prince Theodore was famed for his military exploits. The child Theodore was not in the city when, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy Martyr Mercurius (November 24) delivered Smolensk from being captured by Batu In the year 1239. They had taken him away and hidden him in a safe place during the warfare. In 1240 his father, Prince Rostislav died. He was a great-grandson of the holy Prince Rostislav of Smolensk and Kiev (March 14).

His elder brothers as heirs divided their father’s lands among themselves, allotting to the child Theodore the small holding of Mozhaisk. Here he spent his childhood, and here he studied Holy Scripture, the church services and military science.

In the year 1260, Prince Theodore was married to Maria Vasilievna, daughter of holy Prince Basil of Yaroslavl (July 3), and Theodore became Prince of Yaroslavl. They had a son named Michael, but St Theodore was soon widowed. He spent much of his time on military campaigns, and his son was raised by his mother-in-law, Princess Xenia.

In 1277, the allied forces of the Russian princes, in union with the Tatar forces, took part in a campaign in the Osetian land and in the taking of “its famed city Tetyakov.” In this war the allied forces won a complete victory. From the time of St Alexander Nevsky (November 23), the khans of the Golden Horde, seeing the uncrushable spiritual and the military strength of Orthodox Russia, were compelled to change their attitude. They began to draw the Russian princes into alliances, and the khans turned to them for military assistance.

The Russian Church made use of these providentially improved relations for the Christian enlightenment of the foreigners. Already in 1261, through the efforts of St Alexander Nevsky and Metropolitan Cyril III at Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde, a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established. In the year 1276, a Constantinople Council presided over by Patriarch John Bekkos (1275-1282) replied to questions of the Russian Bishop Theognostus of Sarai concerning the order for baptizing Tatars, and also for receiving Monophysite and Nestorian Christians among them into Orthodoxy.

During these years Prince Theodore was at the Horde. Having distinguished himself by military exploits on the Osetian campaign, he won the favorable attention of Khan Mengu-Temir, who regarded the Orthodox Church with respect, and who as Khan issued the first decree exempting the church from taxes for Metropolitan Cyril.

The Chronicles say: “The emperor Mengu-Temir and his empress were fond of Prince Theodore Rostislavich, and did not want to permit him return back to Rus because of his bravery and the comeliness of his face.”

St Theodore spent three years at the Horde. Finally, “the emperor sent him off with great honor,” and the prince arrived in Yaroslavl. His wife Maria had already died, and in the city Princess Xenia ruled with her grandson Michael. The people of Yaroslavl would not receive the prince returning from the Horde, “not allowing him to enter the city but saying to him, ‘this is Princess Xenia’s city, and Michael is our prince.’”

St Theodore had to return to the Horde. The empress, wife of khan Mengu-Temir, “had a great fondness for him and wished for him to marry her own daughter.” Such a marriage had tremendous significance for Rus. For a long time the Khan would not agree to it, regarding the Russian princes as mere vassals or subjects.

To give his daughter in marriage to a Russian prince meant to acknowledge him as an equal. More importantly, it meant that the khan would acknowledge the primacy of Orthodoxy, since before the wedding, the Tatar princess had to accept holy Baptism. The khan went along with this, since an alliance with Russia was very important for him, “and he ordered his daughter to be given to Prince Theodore, and for her to be baptized first, and he commanded that the Orthodox Faith not be insulted.” Thus St Theodore was married to the daughter of the mighty khan, and was baptized with the name Anna. “The emperor held him in great esteem and commanded that he be seated opposite himself, he built him a palace, and gave him princes and nobles in retinue.”

There at the Golden Horde St Theodore’s sons, Prince David and Prince Constantine were also born. The tremendous influence which St Theodore gained at the Horde, he used to the glory of the Russian Land and the Russian Church. Orthodoxy gained strength among the Tatars, and the Horde began to adopt Russian customs, morals and piety. Russian merchants, architects, and skilled craftsmen carried Russian culture to the shores of the Don, the Volga, the Urals and even into Mongolia itself.

St Theodore 3 From this period archeologists find Orthodox icons, and crosses and lampadas, throughout all the former territories of the Golden Horde, since included as part of Russia. So began a great missionary movement of the Russian Church towards the East, and the enlightening of all the tribes with the light of the Gospel truth all the way to the Great Ocean (i.e. the Pacific). Russian Orthodox princes and their retinues, participating as allies in the Mongol campaigns, learned of and became familiar with the boundless expanses of Asia, Siberia and the Far East. In the year 1330, more than thirty years after the death of St Theodore, Chinese chronicles mention Russians in Peking.

St Theodore lived in Sarai until 1290, when “news reached him from Rus, from the city of Yaroslavl, that his first son, Prince Michael, had died.” Having given the prince rich gifts and a large retinue, the khan sent him back to Rus. Again he became the prince at Yaroslavl. St Theodore began zealously to concern himself with strengthening and building up his city and principality. He had a special love for the monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

His fame resounded throughout Rus, and all the princes sought friendship and alliances with him. But most of all, he was fond of the son of St Alexander Nevsky, Andrew Alexandrovich, supporting him in all undertakings. When Prince Andrew became Great Prince of Vladimir, he went with him on military campaigns. He was gladdened by the victories, and he grieved over his defeat. In 1296, a bloody fratricidal war was just breaking out between two groups of princes: on the one side was St Theodore and Great Prince Andrew, and on the other side, St Michael of Tver (November 22) and St Daniel of Moscow (March 4). But with the help of God the bloodshed was successfully averted.

At a meeting of the princes (in 1296) Bishop Simeon of Vladimir and Bishop Ishmael of Sarai managed to bring peace to both sides. This fact, that holy Prince Theodore and Bishop Ishmael participated in the meeting, shows that St Theodore used all his diplomatic talents and influence at the Horde to establish peace in the Russian Land.

St Theodore the Black’s ties to his Smolensk origins were not sundered, though it would have been difficult for him to be Prince of Smolensk. Thus, in the year 1297, St Theodore went on a campaign to Smolensk to reclaim his lawful rights to the Smolensk principality, which had been usurped by his nephews. But he did not take the city and become the Prince of Smolensk again.

Soon after this campaign the holy warrior-prince became ill. On September 18, 1299 the saint gave orders that he be carried to the Savior-Transfiguration monastery, and there he received monastic tonsure. Towards the end of the ritual, St Theodore asked that the service be interrupted. With the blessing of the igumen, and to grant the wish of the dying prince, they carried him into the monastery courtyard, where a throng of the Yaroslavl people had already gathered. “And the prince repented before all the people, if he had sinned against anyone or held ill-feelings against anyone. He blessed all those who had sinned against him or borne him enmity, and begged their pardon. He accepted his responsibility for all his deeds before God and man.” Only after this did the humble warrior achieve his desire to finish his unusual and much-troubled life’s path by accepting the angelic schema.

All night the igumen and the brethren prayed over the holy prince. At the second hour of the night they began to ring the bell for Matins. St Theodore lay silently upon his monk’s cot and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. When the monks began the third “Glory” of the Psalter, he made the Sign of the Cross and gave up his soul to the Lord. His appearance at the grave was extraordinary: “Wondrous indeed was the appearance of the blessed one. He lay upon the cot not as one dead, but as one alive. His face shone like as the rays of the sun, adorned by his venerable grey hair, bearing witness to his purity of soul and his benevolence.”

After him, his son St David (+ 1321) ruled at Yaroslavl. The second of his sons, Constantine, had evidently died earlier. The Church veneration of Prince Theodore in the Yaroslavl region began soon after his death. During the years 1322-1327, Bishop Prochorus of Rostov commissioned the famous Theodorov Gospel, adorned with miniatures, in memory of St Theodore. Previously, Bishop Prochorus had been igumen of the Savior-Transfiguration monastery at Yaroslavl. Actually, he knew the holy prince personally, and witnessed his tonsure and public repentance before the people. Historians think that the fine miniatures sewn into this precious manuscript had come from an earlier Gospel owned by St Theodore himself, and which he had brought with him to Yaroslavl as a blessing from his native Smolensk.

St Theodore 4 On March 5, 1463, at Yaroslavl the relics of holy Prince Theodore and his sons, David and Constantine were uncovered. The chronicler, an eyewitness to the event, recorded under that year: “At the city of Yaroslavl in the monastery of the Holy Savior they unearthed three Great Princes: Prince Theodore Rostislavich and his sons David and Constantine, and brought them above the ground. Great Prince Theodore was a man of great stature, and they placed his sons David and Constantine beside him. Their stature was less than his. They had lain in a single grave.” The physical appearance of the holy prince so impressed the eyewitnesses and those present at the uncovering of the relics, that an account of this was entered into the Prologue (lives of saints) in St Theodore’s Life, and also into the text of the Manual for Iconographers.

The Life of the holy Prince Theodore the Black was written shortly after the uncovering of the relics, by the hieromonk Anthony of the Yaroslav Savior monastery, with the blessing of the Metropolitan Philip of Moscow and All Rus. Another version of the Life was written by Andrew Yuriev at the St Cyril of White Lake monastery. A third and more detailed Life of St Theodore was included in the “Book of Ranks of Imperial Geneology,” compiled under Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Macarius.

The Russian people composed spiritual songs about Prince Theodore, which they sang over the centuries in “their destitute wanderings.” The verses glorify the saint’s piety and discernment, beneficence and kind-heartedness, and his concern for building and adorning churches. The complexity of historical destinies, the roughness of the era, the multitude of enemies (not personal, but enemies of Russia and the Church), reveal to us the great exploits of the saintly builders of the Russian Land.

Troparion — Tone 4

From your youth you clung to Christ’s love / And you eagerly kept his laws. / You were enriched with miraculous gifts / And now pour forth healings, Theodore, David and Constantine / Pray to Christ our God to save those who honor you!

Kontakion — Tone 8

While in the flesh you were radiant lamps living like the angels. / By fasting, vigils and faith you grew like the trees in paradise. / You blossomed in prayer through the grace you received. / You have become mighty physicians, healing infirmity of souls. / O glorious wonderworkers Theodore, David and Constantine, / Pray to Christ our God for the forgiveness of those who venerate your memory!

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