By the Grace of our Lord through the intercessions of the All-Holy Theotokos Joy of All Who Sorrow, we greet you with thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year and with prayers for peace, health, and joy for the new year.
The Orthodox Catholic Monastery of Our Lady Joy of All Who Sorrow (OCMOLJAWS), a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit faith community located in the Village of Oxford, Michigan, is committed to the embodiment of God’s love and justice within and through the hierarchy, people and mission of the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America (OCCA), a welcoming and affirming jurisdiction of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
The theological foundation of our beliefs are rooted in the gospel message as professed by the Ecumenical Councils, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, and our Constitution and Canons. As a bi-ritual Orthodox-Catholic community, we embrace the mission of witnessing the dynamic and living spiritual, liturgical, and cultural riches of both the eastern and western manifestations of Christ’s Church.
The primary charisms of our community are: (1) conversatio morum (conversion of life) of vowed and lay apostolate members; (2) contemplative intercessory prayer; and (3) spiritual inspiration and education through publication of a web blog. As an idiorrhythmic community, each member develops an individual daily spiritual rhythm of life. In accordance with Benedictine spirituality, the formal observance of liturgical services (ora) and the joyful fulfillment of tasks (labora) are considered spiritual partners, combining contemplation with action. We strive to balance the monastic ideal of “desert” with the gospel call so that every act of life is sacramental.
2015 was a busy year for the monastery blog, which was viewed about 12,000 times. The blog’s busiest day last year was November 15th with 177 views. The most popular post that day was “Welcome to The Poustinia.” Persons from 117 countries viewed the blog in 2015. Most visitors came from the United States of America, however Canada and the United Kingdom were not far behind. The most commented on post in 2015 was “Orthodox Paschal Greetings.”
Unlike many, perhaps most, other denominations or jurisdictions, our bishops, priests, and monastics do not receive any salary or financial support from a parish, congregation, or central church administration, so each is essentially a volunteer; nevertheless, there are necessary financial expenses incurred to support the activities of our national church, to maintain legal status as a nonprofit entity, to sustain a chapel for liturgical worship, to host a website and blog, etc.
IN 2015 the organization’s operating expenses exceeded contributions and fundraising income by $3027. This shortfall was covered by contribution of members’ personal resources, reflecting our commitment and passion for keeping alive the ideals of a new monastic tradition. If you share this passion, we welcome and appreciate your partnership of generosity and prayer.
Looking to the Theotokos, the Blessed Mother of God, as our model, we open ourselves to the divine life of the Holy Spirit. Joy of all who sorrow and intercessor of the offended, feeder of the hungry, consolation of travelers, harbor of the storm-tossed, visitation of the sick, protection and intercessor of the infirm, staff of old age, Mother of God on high! It is a humbling honor to spiritually join with others in praying for special intentions and to serve as a source of spiritual counsel or solace in times of crisis or need. Hasten we pray, O Lady Joy of All Who Sorrow, to guide our steps and to strengthen our resolve for the salvation of souls!
from WordPress
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