Troparion, Tone IV —
Seated on the high throne of Kiev, the mother of cities saved by God,/ thou didst emulate the merchant who sought the goodly pearl,/ O Vladimir glorious in might,/ and examining and sending emissaries to the Imperial City to learn about the Orthodox Faith,/ thou didst find Christ the priceless Pearl, Who chose thee as a second Paul/ and in the holy font removed thy blindness, spiritual and bodily./ Wherefore, we, thy people, celebrate thy repose./ Pray thou, thy land Rus, be saved,// and that peace and great mercy be granted to the Orthodox people.
Kontakion, Tone VIII —
Emulating the great Apostle Paul in thy maturity, O most glorious Vladimir,/ and putting aside all thy zeal for idols as childish thoughts,/ thou hast adorned thyself with the purple robe of divine baptism./ And standing now in gladness before Christ the Savior,/ pray thou that, thy land Rus, be saved,// and that peace and great mercy be granted to the Orthodox people.
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